Thalia Hernandez
Jul 1, 2023

HubSpot Success Stories: Inspiring Examples of Successful Businesses

Software Development
Inspiring HubSpot Success Stories: Businesses Achieving Remarkable Results
Thalia Hernandez
Jul 1, 2023

HubSpot Success Stories: Inspiring Examples of Successful Businesses

Software Development

HubSpot Success Stories

Hubspot has become a must-have for many businesses, providing end-to-end solutions ranging from lead generation to marketing automation and customer relationship management. We present you with some success stories and discover how these organizations have made the most of Hubspot's capabilities and have obtained amazing results. From small startups to large corporations, each company has its own success story when implementing Hubspot. Let's explore how they've used the platform's features to create effective marketing strategies, improve audience targeting, increase lead conversion, and close more deals.
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CasandraSoft Tech Solutions

HubSpot Success Stories

Hubspot has become a must-have for many businesses, providing end-to-end solutions ranging from lead generation to marketing automation and customer relationship management. We present you with some success stories and discover how these organizations have made the most of Hubspot's capabilities and have obtained amazing results. From small startups to large corporations, each company has its own success story when implementing Hubspot. Let's explore how they've used the platform's features to create effective marketing strategies, improve audience targeting, increase lead conversion, and close more deals.
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In addition, we will learn about the specific challenges these companies faced during the implementation process and how they were able to overcome them. We'll discuss the best practices, tips, and tricks that helped them maximize their HubSpot investment and achieve their business goals.¡Let us begin!

Winning Companies

Success stories with HubSpot

Real Estate Industry:


  • Company size: Medium company (between 25 and 200 employees)
  • Location: Spain
  • Use cases: Traffic increase, Increase in contacts
  • Products: Marketing Hub

Vivendex was looking for a global platform that would allow them to connect their various digital marketing actions in one place, that would have automation technology, and that would facilitate the strategic measurement of their campaigns. From the moment they decided to acquire HubSpot and started working with the Inbound methodology, Vivendex has been able to increase organic visits to their website, get more qualified leads, increase conversion rates, and automate the process between marketing and sales.

Migrating from traditional to digital

Vivendex People & Properties is a company that since 2006 provides real estate brokerage services in Barcelona, ​​its metropolitan area, Reus and Sitges. In the beginning, the company was quite small, since it did not have its own marketing team and any service was contracted externally. At that time, marketing was mainly offline, that is, the objective was to have a brand presence in traditional channels, advertisements in magazines or mentions in real estate portals, and very little investment in digital channels.

However, Francesc Quintana, CEO of Vivendex, realized that the market and the way of doing business were changing and rapidly migrating toward the digital environment. Convinced of the real estate sector's possibilities in this new scenario, he began to study how companies were growing and how they were relying on digital tools to achieve success and have more powerful conversations with their prospects.

In turn, the first step he took to transform his strategy was to consolidate his own marketing team and incorporate a Manager and an Assistant, experts in the digital environment, who could support and lead the strategy. Also, it managed to associate with allies such as the digital marketing agency Urbaniza Interactive, which was a strategic collaboration to obtain greater reach and growth.

At first, they started working with tools like Google Analytics to optimize their website and WordPress to develop their blog content. Despite the fact that they had implemented some digital marketing actions, they still felt that they were disconnected from a global strategy since it was difficult for them to measure the final impact and grow in an orderly manner.

Choosing the best tool

The need to create a much more complete marketing strategy with greater participation in the digital channel was evident, so they ventured to develop a bet that was global, adapted to market changes and that was pioneering within the sector. real estate. However, the tools that they were using at the time to achieve this goal, such as MailChimp or Infusionsoft, were not enough.

Francesc, together with Cesar Villasante, CEO of the Urbaniza agency, in the process of researching automation tools, came across HubSpot for the first time. Although they evaluated several solutions, they decided on this platform because it was the most complete and experienced tool. In addition, they were aware that if they were able to get the most out of their investment, they could achieve spectacular results.

For Francesc Quintana “The decisive factor that made us decide on HubSpot was its globality, it touches absolutely everything. Despite being a platform with several functionalities, all its tools are very complete. So when you do a full valuation it's the perfect solution."

From HubSpot, they could carry out their email marketing strategy, publish articles on the blog, create landing pages to promote new projects, automate actions and activate nutrition flows using workflows. In addition, thanks to the platform, they would be able to centralize all their main digital marketing actions in one place and thus be able to measure the results together.

Remember email marketing can be a powerful tool to boost your path to business success.

Start now!

The strategy for success

Despite the fact that they already knew something about Inbound Marketing, starting with HubSpot's Marketing Hub was quite a challenge, since they had to invest a lot of effort in the creation and optimization of the initial content and adopt the tool in their day-to-day life. Despite this, thanks to their constant dedication and the support of the HubSpot team, during the onboarding they were able to build a successful strategy.

Since acquiring HubSpot, Vivendex's goal has been to get the most out of the platform. To execute their content strategy, they relied on the blog and SEO tool, which, in addition to providing optimization recommendations, also allows for leveraging the content strategy using Topic Clusters. Additionally, they have relied on Landing Pages, Facebook ads, and Social Media Management Tools to promote their content offers and increase their reach.

They recognize that what has worked best for them is email marketing together with automation processes since they have improved the quality of the interaction with their prospects since they have managed to segment the content according to their purchase journey, personalize their experience and give a more timely follow-up.

"For us, perhaps the best feature of HubSpot, and of Inbound Marketing itself, is being able to work with many leads fully automatically, without having to need the intervention of our commercial agents."

Another essential tool for achieving success has been workflows. In addition to streamlining the nutrition and education of leads throughout their buying journey, it has also allowed them to integrate the marketing process with the sales process since they can segment the most qualified prospects using the lead scoring application, target their efforts and resources, manage the life cycle and automate strategic actions of the sales team such as sending sequences or creating notifications. All this has allowed them to work with a large number of leads automatically and without the intervention of their real estate consultants, who only intervene in the process when the leads have already been previously qualified and are at the time of purchase. In this way, they manage to avoid almost all cold calls, which in most cases end up being unsuccessful, in order to dedicate their time to other, more valuable efforts.

Vivendex has also relied on other Marketing Hub resources such as chatbots to generate leads and answer user questions, intelligent forms using progressive fields and dependent fields to make data collection more efficient and improve the user experience, as well as the option of A / B Testing in specific places such as calls to action or Landing Pages to establish the best option based on the results.

In the last quarter, more than 10,000 users have been impacted, of which 36% have been qualified leads. This is thanks to a more like-minded audience being attracted to the solution and the conversion rate gradually increasing.

Discover in 7 steps how to increase your sales and grow your business with demand generation.

Exponential results

Before implementing HubSpot and the Inbound methodology, at Vivendex the reporting process was very manual since it depended a lot on the information provided by its sales representatives and offline marketing actions, which did not have an obvious ROI.

Once they created strategies using the Inbound methodology and migrated to the digital environment, this process changed drastically, since with the analytical tools and the monitoring of contact activity within the website, they were able to detail the impact of each action and evaluate their return.

“We could see which were the articles with the best performance, the CTAs that were working, the performance of the email marketing campaigns or identify the user profile most likely to become a business opportunity”

Also, thanks to the personalized reports, they have been able to map valuable information such as key behaviors of their target audience, and thus promote their most profitable marketing actions in the different offices of the company.

In just one year, Vivendex managed to multiply five times the visits to its website in a totally organic way. In fact, thanks to its efforts in SEO, Vivendex occupies the first organic result for certain strategic business keywords, something that helps them continue to increase their visits and contacts exponentially.

In addition, since the beginning of the activity with HubSpot and Urbaniza Interactive, the company has multiplied 83x the leads generated from online media where 46% of the contacts come from organic search; This is thanks to the fact that in just two and a half years after starting to work with the tool, organic visits increased 10x and only 5% using ads on search engines and social networks.

Success stories with HubSpot

Banking and financial services industry


  • Company size: Medium company (between 25 and 200 employees)
  • Location: Mexico
  • Use cases: Complete CRM, Enterprise data integration, Better contact management
  • Products: Marketing Hub, Sales Hub, Service Hub, Complete CRM platform

Thanks to HubSpot tools such as the automation of workflows and the integration of its marketing, sales, and customer service actions, Jeeves has achieved sustained growth and decreased time and inaccuracies, by having greater visibility and a better diagnosis of the customer journey.

Powering an international expense management platform

Jeeves has built an international fintech infrastructure that powers businesses to achieve global growth. Based in Mexico City, the company offers a corporate credit card and expense management platform, through which companies can manage payments and international transfers to more than 200 countries. Jeeves has customers in Latin America, North America, Europe, and other regions of the world.

«We are a company with a presence in 25 countries. We offer solutions such as Corporate Credit Cards (unlimited virtual cards), Growth Loans, Working Capital Loans, Expense Management Platforms, and Operating Capital Lines of Credit.» Osama Asif, Partnerships in Jeeves.

Manual processes waste time, visibility, and information.

Before HubSpot, the marketing, sales, and service processes at Jeeves were manual, which meant more use of staff resources and time to get projects off the ground. In addition, they did not have a comprehensive strategy that linked the different activities and their efforts were fragmented.

This caused a lack of visibility of all aspects in the conversion funnel and in the customer journey, so they did not have clarity in fundamental aspects such as valuable information about the purchase process of their contacts, the management of their business pipeline, the performance of their marketing channels or the scope of sales representatives. In general, they lost sight of how these elements worked together; Although they were certain of the result they wanted to achieve, they knew when they closed a deal, they could not establish how to get there, that is, how it was closed or how long the negotiation process lasted.

In the same way, customer service was limited, since they only used email and Google spreadsheets to follow up, making it impossible to track transfers and other collaborative practices.

In summary, since they did not have a CRM that was easy to implement and manage the information in 100% manual tools, they could not offer an adequate sales process, carry out automated lead nutrition and provide personalized customer service.

“The main challenge was the lack of visibility into different marketing and sales processes. It was all very manual and fragmented. We tried another CRM for a while, but it was too difficult to fully implement the processes we needed and it never quite got off the ground.” Osama Asif, Partnerships in Jeeves.

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Powering your growth machine

Jeeves belongs to a very dynamic sector such as fintech so you need a CRM that becomes an ally that helps you gain visibility into your processes, obtain valuable data to learn more about your customers, attract an audience, and build loyalty in your community.

The solutions Jeeves offers require precision and therefore the tools you use must be commensurate with that effectiveness. Keeping an order to be able to plan and execute is essential in a company that works with clients from different countries and regions; in addition to personalizing your communication to deliver an outstanding experience.

Using HubSpot, Jeeves was able to link and align all of its marketing, sales, and service processes, relying on automation tools and data they could get through CRM. This helped them reduce time, and costs and be able to visualize how their efforts were now not isolated, but integrated with each other to achieve their growth objectives.

Marketing Hub

With Marketing Hub, Jeeves has been able to implement a strategy with greater impact and scalability. Thanks to automation and data segmentation, your communications are more personalized and precise. In addition, with this Hub, they have been able to track the overall effectiveness of their marketing spend.

The tools they use the most from the Marketing Hub are:

  • Marketing Automation: Jeeves has managed to automate many processes to increase demand generation, and lead nurturing and has been able to optimize your conversion rate.
  • Contact management: For this company, it has been essential to obtain data about its prospects and customers. With the "Contact Management" tool, they can better control and manage this information, which has become a valuable element for generating and segmenting all kinds of campaigns.
  • Email marketing: Emails have been a key piece for lead nurturing and prospect tracking. In fact, they have increased the Open Rate in their email marketing campaigns by 40% and increased the Click Through Rate by 15%.

Undoubtedly, email marketing is a powerful tool to achieve business goals.

  • Landing pages: with this tool Jeeves has been able to promote, in a scalable way, its content offers and increase the number of conversions.

Sales hub

From a sales perspective, the company finds that Sales Hub, HubSpot's CRM, and automation tools have been incredibly helpful in developing a healthy and efficient sales process. Through automation, they have been able to update leads, attribution, and onboarding.

  • Sales Automation: By automating sales processes, Jeeves gained order, visibility, and planning for its sales representatives. This has helped to have better follow-up and support throughout the customer journey. With workflows, the sales team is more efficient, since they stopped occupying their time with manual tasks and have been able to personalize the attention to prospects, which has contributed to more and better business closings. Also, with the workflows, Jeeves has been able to optimize the allocation of business opportunities among the sales team.
  • Sales Reports: With this tool, Jeeves has been able to better diagnose points in the pipeline where customers are stuck, and with this visibility, they have been able to deploy strategic resources to improve those parts of the process.

Service hub

For Jeeves, offering outstanding customer service is a priority for a company that offers services in the financial sector and new technologies. With Service Hub, they have not only been able to offer a faster service but much more personalized and automated.

  • Tickets: They have been able to track where customers are in the process, as well as automate communications, based on customer actions. With this, they have been able to gain control of specific cases of service, assistance, and support, which has helped them to resolve them in a better way and thus increase customer satisfaction.
  • Automated Support: Jeeves is increasingly exploring the different service tools that HubSpot offers, automating various processes that enable it to provide better customer service, through the use of surveys, chat, chatbot, service analytics, and other solutions. This helps the service and support team do their job faster, with more follow-up and fewer errors.
  • Customer Feedback: Feedback is key to Jeeves; With the survey tool, it has been able to capture information from customers, who rate the company's processes or aspects of the products they offer.

In this way, the company has replaced an incredible amount of manual work, thereby reducing time spent and eliminating inaccuracies by automating various associated workflows.

"We have replaced an incredible amount of manual labor by reducing time spent and inaccuracies." Osama Asif, Partnerships in Jeeves.

Jeeves' growth after adopting HubSpot's tools has been continuous and, most importantly for the company, they have achieved the visibility they needed, the order, and the integration of their areas of marketing, sales, and service. By automating various processes, it is possible for them to generate campaigns to be closer to prospects, accompany them on their journey and convert them into customers.


Software and technology industry


  • Company size: Medium company (between 25 and 200 employees)
  • Location: France
  • Use cases: Increase in leads, Inbound Marketing, Sales, and Marketing Alignment
  • Products: Marketing Hub, Sales Hub, CRM

Created in 2007 by five students from the EPITECH Higher School of Informatics, PrestaShop is an e-commerce platform based on open-source software, that is, free to download. Its mission is to offer solutions for the creation of e-commerce websites. As Europe's leading content management system (CMS), PrestaShop enables anyone to create their own online store and tailor it to their individual needs and goals. Plugins in the form of themes and modules allow PrestaShop users to increase the potential of their store, both in appearance and in the functionalities it offers to sales representatives and their clientele. PrestaShop has helped create more than 300,000 online stores around the world.

Increased productivity thanks to data centralization

Changes in consumer habits, especially since the coronavirus crisis, make more and more companies turn to electronic commerce. This is reflected in both the number of new online stores being created and the growth of existing ones. Repeated lockdowns and restrictions prompted many business owners to invest more in online sales, which greatly increased PrestaShop clientele in 2020.

Using HubSpot's CRM since 2018, the PrestaShop platform was able to quickly adapt to the influx of these new businesses. Initially, only the sales team working with partner agencies could take advantage of HubSpot. To meet the growing needs of sales, marketing, and support teams, HubSpot's tools were gradually rolled out across the company during 2019. The goal, therefore, was to centralize all of their revenue streams, as well as the services involved. in his generation.

However, PrestaShop faced the problem that its organizational structure was not unified, which meant longer and more laborious data processing. The decision to go with HubSpot CRM allowed all the teams to work hand in hand, pursuing a common goal of growth.

HubSpot was the natural choice for the PrestaShop team, not only because their initial experience with the tool had been positive, but because it allows them to precisely pursue common goals. For PrestaShop, some agencies are customers and partners at the same time. In order to avoid confusion and take into account all the relevant information for a company, a tool was required to facilitate the double capture of this information.

Improving the inbound marketing strategy

PrestaShop's primary goal in using HubSpot's services was to give its strategy the means to develop. In other words, the company wanted lead generation to be accurately tracked, from creating a form to signing a partnership agreement. In addition, he wanted to allow all internal staff to see and use customer data.

In other words, PrestaShop is using HubSpot to help improve its existing inbound marketing strategy. For example, CRM allows product managers to identify a store that uses one of their solutions in order to suggest the use of new features.

Remember: Use Inbound Marketing to grow more and better!!!

The introduction of CRM in all areas of PrestaShop allowed the number of qualified leads to increase to the current level of 800,000 marketing-eligible contacts. Pipelines have been populated and further developed to facilitate sales studies, and various tasks have been automated to improve workflow.

More and more team members are using the Sales Hub and Marketing Hub on a regular basis to record their activities and their impact.

How to sustain the pace of development

Since PrestaShop chose HubSpot to improve its sales processes and optimize its lead generation strategy, its growth has been clearly reflected in several spheres: more customers, an average revenue increase of 35% between 2019 and 2020, a better month in the marketplace history in November 2020, and 88 new hires between January 1 and July 1, 2021.

The dedication that PrestaShop has dedicated to acquiring new customers, together with the new talent that it has attracted, has allowed it to launch new product lines and enhance the experience of its teams. Therefore, in the coming months, it intends to continue on this path of growth, becoming a world benchmark, particularly through its new services: PrestaShop Facebook, PrestaShop Metrics, PrestaShop Checkout, and PrestaShop Google.

Personally, PrestaShop CRM Manager Clément Gontier wants to make sure the team stays excited about HubSpot. Most staff already use it on a weekly basis, either for reporting or sales work. Furthermore, he rates the platform as "very easy to use" and would not hesitate to recommend it to his clients and service providers.

How can a HubSpot partner help you?

  • Implementation and setup: A HubSpot partner can help you properly set up your HubSpot account, making sure it's optimized for your specific business needs. They can help you integrate HubSpot with other existing platforms and systems.
  • Marketing strategy: A HubSpot partner can work with you to develop a strong marketing strategy using HubSpot tools and features. They can help you create email campaigns, marketing automation, social media management, and more.
  • Lead Generation: HubSpot partners can help you generate quality leads using tactics like website optimization, creating relevant content, and setting up effective forms and landing pages.
  • Sales and CRM: A HubSpot partner can help you take full advantage of HubSpot's CRM capabilities to manage and track your sales activities. They can help you set up efficient sales workflows, follow up on contacts, and close more deals.
  • Training and support: HubSpot partners can provide you with one-on-one training so you can effectively use HubSpot tools and features. They can also provide you with technical support and assistance when you need it.

Tips for implementing Hubspot to grow bigger and better.

Bonus: 8 implementation tips with Hubspot!!!

  1. Plan and define your goals: Before you begin implementation, it's important to be clear about the goals you want to achieve with HubSpot. Do you want to improve the follow-up of your leads? Automate your marketing campaigns. Define your goals and establish an action plan.
  2. Organize your content: A fundamental part of HubSpot is content management. Be sure to organize your content in a cohesive and structured way for ease of use in HubSpot. This includes your blogs, web pages, forms, emails, etc.
  3. Import your data: If you already have an existing database of contacts, you can import it into HubSpot to take advantage of all the features. Be sure to pre-clean your data to avoid duplicates and errors.
  4. Configure your properties and settings: Customize HubSpot's properties and settings to suit your needs. Configure your sales stages, contact definitions, labels, custom fields, etc. This will allow you to have a system adapted to your business.
  5. Train your team: Be sure to train your team on how to use HubSpot. It provides adequate training so that everyone understands how to use the different functionalities and get the most out of the platform.
  6. Automate your processes: Use HubSpot's automation tools to simplify and streamline your processes. You can create automated workflows, set lead-scoring rules, automate email responses, and more.
  7. Measure and analyze results: Use HubSpot's analytics tools to measure the performance of your campaigns and strategies. This will help you identify what is working and what is not, and make adjustments as needed.
  8. Stay up to date: HubSpot is an ever-evolving platform. Stay on top of updates and new features that are implemented. Get involved in the HubSpot user community to stay up to date with best practices and tips.


The implementation of HubSpot has proven to be an effective strategy to improve marketing and sales management in various organizations. The success stories featured on this blog highlight how Hubspot has helped increase lead generation, improve customer segmentation, and optimize the sales cycle.

The benefits of using HubSpot go beyond operational efficiency. Companies that have implemented this platform have also experienced a significant improvement in customer satisfaction. Access to real-time data and analytics allows them to offer a more personalized experience, which has led to higher customer engagement and loyalty.

The automation of repetitive tasks and the integration of different communication channels are key aspects of the success of the HubSpot implementation. Businesses can take advantage of Hubspot's capabilities to manage email marketing, social media, live chat, and CRM campaigns on a single platform, simplifying the process of tracking and analyzing all of these interactions.

HubSpot's ability to integrate with other tools and platforms is another important factor that contributes to the success of your implementation. Companies that have taken advantage of Hubspot's integrations with customer relationship management (CRM) systems, sales systems, and other marketing solutions have achieved a unified, holistic view of their operations, which has improved their decision-making and overall performance.

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