Discover the 360° Solution for your company

Discover the 360° Solution

With our vision of the future, we transform your business so that you offer your customers a 100% digital experience.

Automatizacion de ventas
Sales Consulting
Automatizacion de ventas
Marketing and Sales Technologies
Automatizacion de ventas
Inbound Services
Automatizacion de ventas
Operations (RevOps)
Solutions 360° - CasandraSoft

Do you feel identified with any of the following situations?

CRM Hubspot y Salesforce

You need to increase the conversion rate but you don't know in which part of the cycle the leads are lost.

CRM Hubspot y Salesforce

You need to have data or metrics that allow them to make decisions about the business but you do not have all the information in your CRM.

CRM Hubspot y Salesforce

You need to make sales forecasts and monitor goals by seller but you do not have a tool that allows you to do so.

CRM Hubspot y Salesforce

You need to know how your marketing efforts influence your sales but your current technology doesn't allow it.

CRM Hubspot y Salesforce

You do not have an in-house team with the necessary expertise to implement the changes and ideas you need with your current technology.

CRM Hubspot y Salesforce

You need to increase the conversion rate but you don't know in which part of the cycle the leads are lost

CRM Hubspot y Salesforce

You need to have data or metrics that allow them to make decisions about the business but you do not have all the information in your CRM

CRM Hubspot y Salesforce

You need to make sales forecasts and monitor goals by seller but you do not have a tool that allows you to do so

CRM Hubspot y Salesforce

You need to know how your marketing efforts influence your sales but your current technology doesn't allow it.

CRM Hubspot y Salesforce

You do not have an in-house team with the necessary expertise to implement the changes and ideas you need with your current technology

CRM Hubspot y Salesforce

You need to increase the conversion rate but you don't know in which part of the cycle the leads are lost

CRM Hubspot y Salesforce

You need to have data or metrics that allow them to make decisions about the business but you do not have all the information in your CRM

CRM Hubspot y Salesforce

You need to make sales forecasts and monitor goals by seller but you do not have a tool that allows you to do so

CRM Hubspot y Salesforce

You need to know how your marketing efforts influence your sales but your current technology doesn't allow it.

CRM Hubspot y Salesforce

You do not have an in-house team with the necessary expertise to implement the changes and ideas you need with your current technology

CRM Hubspot y Salesforce

You need to increase the conversion rate but you don't know in which part of the cycle the leads are lost

CRM Hubspot y Salesforce

You need to have data or metrics that allow them to make decisions about the business but you do not have all the information in your CRM

CRM Hubspot y Salesforce

You need to make sales forecasts and monitor goals by seller but you do not have a tool that allows you to do so

CRM Hubspot y Salesforce

You need to know how your marketing efforts influence your sales but your current technology doesn't allow it.

CRM Hubspot y Salesforce

You do not have an in-house team with the necessary expertise to implement the changes and ideas you need with your current technology

Maybe it's time to have a CRM robust enough and specialized in the sales cycles of companies like yours.
.... Or you already have one but need help getting the most out of your technology investment.
Get a FREE initial consultation with a team of experts in sales solutions for companies like yours
CRM Hubspot y Salesforce
Implementacion de CRM
Solutions 360° - CasandraSoft

Why do we offer these services?

We want to help other companies improve the productivity of their sales and marketing team by implementing repetitive automated processes that decrease the length of the sales cycle.

Our clients sometimes do not have an in-house team with the necessary expertise to implement the changes and ideas they need with their current technology.

We help our clients reduce the cost of hiring experienced professionals because we offer a multidisciplinary team dedicated to your service at a very affordable price.

CRM Hubspot y Salesforce
Implementacion de CRM

Why do we offer these services?

We want to help other companies improve the productivity of their sales and marketing team by implementing repetitive automated processes that decrease the length of the sales cycle.

Our clients sometimes do not have an in-house team with the necessary expertise to implement the changes and ideas they need with their current technology.

We help our clients reduce the cost of hiring experienced professionals because we offer a multidisciplinary team dedicated to your service at a very affordable price.

Solutions 360° - CasandraSoft
CRM Hubspot y Salesforce
Implementacion de CRM

Our Happy Clients

They are our best guarantee

"I consider myself a demanding person, and there are not many providers that can fulfill and deliver such an impeccable job in a timely manner. Alelí and his team have excelled working with Property Base (Salesforce), our website made in Webflow, integrations with Zapier and custom software solutions. The most impressive thing about the team is that they are always open to learning new skills."

Sonrientes Clientes Satisfechos con Nuestros Servicios

Malú Farell

Marketing Manager / TAO Mexico
Sonrientes Clientes Satisfechos con Nuestros Servicios

"We are happy to have found a consultant that has committed to our objectives, as if they were their own. They stand out for the time dedicated to the Salesforce project, proactivity and innovation for finding better solutions to our concerns. In addition to professionalism, and the They have technical experience, their teamwork is remarkable. We definitely want to continue working with CasandraSoft."

Sonrientes Clientes Satisfechos con Nuestros Servicios

Lucia Gomez

HR Manager/ The Agency
Sonrientes Clientes Satisfechos con Nuestros Servicios

"CasandraSoft has helped us introduce ourselves to the use of CRM technologies to improve the control of our clients, they are a great ally with whom we will continue working. We especially liked their professionalism and delivery, punctuality in meetings, personalized attention and their technical knowledge. It was also a plus to have a personalized communication channel."

Sonrientes Clientes Satisfechos con Nuestros Servicios

Daniel Renovato

Parter - Commercial Director/ Propty Real Estate
Sonrientes Clientes Satisfechos con Nuestros Servicios

"I feel confident recommending CasandraSoft's services, due to their thorough team and easy to work with. The team is always willing to discuss concerns and is very knowledgeable and attentive to detail. They have helped keep the company on track in several projects and becoming the reference experts for our most important projects."

Sonrientes Clientes Satisfechos con Nuestros Servicios

Paulina Almeida

Commercial Director / TAO Mexico
Sonrientes Clientes Satisfechos con Nuestros Servicios

"Professionalism, clarity and results. They would be the first words with which to define the work of Alelí and Luis. Provide a service that not only solves the problem, but also offers you a global vision to propose improvements and explain each phase of the project is not always easy. And without a doubt, they do it. An excellent experience that we will repeat as soon as we have the opportunity."

Sonrientes Clientes Satisfechos con Nuestros Servicios

Violeta Martí

Manager / Digital Writers
Sonrientes Clientes Satisfechos con Nuestros Servicios

"They are a team with excellent professionalism, they have helped us a lot to improve our agency, with new ideas and techniques to obtain a good result. I fully recommend them if you want your business to grow with confidence and security."

Sonrientes Clientes Satisfechos con Nuestros Servicios


Manager / Felix Travel Agency
Sonrientes Clientes Satisfechos con Nuestros Servicios

"I contacted them to help me test an app that we had developed and I was impressed by the seriousness, professionalism, rigor and speed of the service. In addition, I loved the proactivity when it came to proposing solutions and improvements, with a fluid communication channel and using the latest technologies to be informed at all times of the progress. The personal treatment of all the members in the project was exceptional."

Sonrientes Clientes Satisfechos con Nuestros Servicios

Ruben Legazpi

Manager / Sir Capital
Sonrientes Clientes Satisfechos con Nuestros Servicios

"From the beginning there was very good communication and mutual feedback between our team and Casandrasoft. The transition from Salesforce to HubSpot was very friendly and the constant training and recommendations from the team have helped the Sales team feel comfortable using the new platform."

Sonrientes Clientes Satisfechos con Nuestros Servicios

Daniel Wong

Manager / Oficinas del Peru S.A.C
Sonrientes Clientes Satisfechos con Nuestros Servicios

"Our experience has been excellent with CasandraSoft. Extremely organized Onboarding for HubSpot that makes the implementation optimal, since we feel accompanied and advised all the time. They have experience with this system, they can give answers to everything you ask and they always look for a solution to problems. I have worked on onboarding with other agencies, this one is exceptionally good, Alelí's management is very professional, organized. Highly recommended.
Explore how RevOps redefines business efficiency by strategically integrating sales, marketing, and service. Discover how we drive your success through alignment and continuous optimization".

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Sonrientes Clientes Satisfechos con Nuestros Servicios

Tahimi Arboleya

Marketing and Communications Director / Tuambia LLC
Sonrientes Clientes Satisfechos con Nuestros Servicios

"From the first contact, their professionalism and dedication were evident, punctuality in meetings, quick responses to my questions and personalized attention. One of the things I appreciated most was having a direct communication channel with the team, which greatly facilitated collaboration and resolution of any concerns that arose. The implementation of the project was exceptional".

Sonrientes Clientes Satisfechos con Nuestros Servicios

Camila Llanten

Customer Success Executive / Duemint
Sonrientes Clientes Satisfechos con Nuestros Servicios

"It is a great job and support that I receive every day from the CasandraSoft team, they have helped me with the automation of the CRM, they are very professional and they fulfill the assigned tasks, I feel comfortable working with them. I recommend them."

Sonrientes Clientes Satisfechos con Nuestros Servicios

Juan Carlos

Commercial Director / INCAD Colombia
Sonrientes Clientes Satisfechos con Nuestros Servicios

"We did Intercom onboarding with CasandraSoft for our online casino, I found the service very good in general. The CasandraSoft team stands out for its professionalism and dedication, punctuality in meetings, specialized technical knowledge and for offering personalized attention. Having a direct communication channel and Office Hours were a great help for my team".

Sonrientes Clientes Satisfechos con Nuestros Servicios

Customer Success

Jessica Bastos / Deep Blue
Sonrientes Clientes Satisfechos con Nuestros Servicios

I recommend this warm and professional team, which offers appropriate solutions to specific needs, always with unbeatable cordiality. I am very satisfied with the work of Alejandro and the CasandraSoft team, who in addition to providing technical solutions show great human quality.

Sonrientes Clientes Satisfechos con Nuestros Servicios

Jorge Lopez

CEO / Único Club de Vinos, Argentina
Sonrientes Clientes Satisfechos con Nuestros Servicios

Nuestros clientes felices

son nuestra mejor garantía

Tao México

"Me considero una persona exigente, y no hay muchos proveedores que puedan cumplir y entregar un trabajo tan impecable en tiempo y forma.
Alelí y su equipo se han destacado trabajando con Property Base (Salesforce), nuestro sitio web hecho en Webflow, integraciones con Zapier y soluciones de software a la medida. Lo más impresionante del equipo es que siempre están abiertos a aprender nuevas habilidades."

Malu Farell gerente de marketing de TAO Mexico
Malu Farell
Gerente de Marketing

Redactoras Digitales

"Profesionalidad, claridad y resultados. Serían las primeras palabras con las que definir el trabajo de Alelí y Luis.
Dar con un servicio que, no solo te resuelva el problema, sino que te ofrezca una visión global para proponerte mejoras e ir explicando cada fase del proyecto no siempre es sencillo. Y sin duda, ellos lo hacen. Una excelente experiencia que repetiremos en cuanto tengamos ocasión."

Violeta Marti CEO Redactoras Digitales
Violeta Martí

The Agency

"Estamos felices de haber encontrado una consultora que se ha comprometido con nuestros objetivos, como si fuesen propios. Se destacan por el tiempo dedicado al proyecto de Salesforce, proactividad e innovación por encontrar mejores soluciones a nuestras inquietudes. Además del profesionalismo, y la experiencia técnica con la que cuentan, su trabajo en equipo es destacable. Definitivamente, queremos continuar trabajando con CasandraSoft"

Solucion 360 para que vendas mas y mejor
Lucia Gomez
HR Manager

Sir Capital

"Contacté para que me ayudaran a testar una app que habíamos desarrollado y quedé impresionado por la seriedad, profesionalidad, rigor y rapidez del servicio. Además, me encantó la proactividad a la hora de proponer soluciones y mejoras, con un cauce de comunicación fluido y utilizando las últimas tecnologías para estar informados en todo momento de los avances. El trato personal de todos los integrantes en el proyecto fue excepcional"

Solucion 360 para que vendas mas y mejor
Ruben Legazpi

Tao México

"Me siento segura al recomendar los servicios de CasandraSoft, debido a su equipo minucioso y fácil de trabajar con ellos. El equipo siempre está dispuesto a discutir inquietudes y tienen muchos conocimientos y atención a los detalles. Han ayudado a mantener a la empresa encaminada en varios proyectos y convirtiéndose en los expertos de referencia para nuestros proyectos más importantes."

Paulina Almeida Directora Comercial Tao Mexico
Paulina Almeida
Director Comercial

Nuestros clientes felices


Tao México

"Me considero una persona exigente, y no hay muchos proveedores que puedan cumplir y entregar un trabajo tan impecable en tiempo y forma.Alelí y su equipo se han destacado trabajando con Property Base (Salesforce), nuestro sitio web hecho en Webflow, integraciones con Zapier y soluciones de software a la medida. Lo más impresionante del equipo es que siempre están abiertos a aprender nuevas habilidades."

Malu Farell gerente de marketing de TAO Mexico
Malu Farell
Gerente de Marketing

Redactoras Digitales

Profesionalidad, claridad y resultados. Serían las primeras palabras con las que definir el trabajo de Alelí y Luis.
Dar con un servicio que, no solo te resuelva el problema, sino que te ofrezca una visión global para proponerte mejoras e ir explicando cada fase del proyecto no siempre es sencillo. Y sin duda, ellos lo hacen.
Una excelente experiencia que repetiremos en cuanto tengamos ocasión."

Violeta Marti CEO Redactoras Digitales
Violeta Martí

The Agency

"Estamos felices de haber encontrado una consultora que se ha comprometido con nuestros objetivos, como si fuesen propios.Se destacan por el tiempo dedicado al proyecto, proactividad e innovación por encontrar mejores soluciones a nuestras inquietudes.Además del profesionalismo, y la experiencia técnica con la que cuentan, su trabajo en equipo es destacable. Se han acoplado a nuestras necesidades y tiempos, buscando la mejor manera de ir cumpliendo con los hitos del proyecto.Definitivamente, queremos continuar trabajando con CasandraSoft"

Solucion 360 para que vendas mas y mejor
Lucia Gomez
HR Manager

Tao México

"Me siento segura al recomendar los servicios de CasandraSoft, debido a su equipo minucioso y fácil de trabajar con ellos. El equipo siempre está dispuesto a discutir inquietudes y tienen muchos conocimientos y atención a los detalles. Han ayudado a mantener a la empresa encaminada en varios proyectos y convirtiéndose en los expertos de referencia para nuestros proyectos más importantes."

Paulina Almeida Directora Comercial Tao Mexico
Paulina Almeida
Director Comercial

Sir Capital

"Contacté para que me ayudaran a testar una app que habíamos desarrollado y quedé impresionado por la seriedad, profesionalidad, rigor y rapidez del servicio.
Además, me encantó la proactividad a la hora de proponer soluciones y mejoras, con un cauce de comunicación fluido y utilizando las últimas tecnologías para estar informados en todo momento de los avances.
El trato personal de todos los integrantes en el proyecto fue excepcional"

Solucion 360 para que vendas mas y mejor
Ruben Legazpi

Nuestros clientes felices


Tao México

"Me considero una persona exigente, y no hay muchos proveedores que puedan cumplir y entregar un trabajo tan impecable en tiempo y forma.Alelí y su equipo se han destacado trabajando con Property Base (Salesforce), nuestro sitio web hecho en Webflow, integraciones con Zapier y soluciones de software a la medida. Lo más impresionante del equipo es que siempre están abiertos a aprender nuevas habilidades."

Malu Farell gerente de marketing de TAO Mexico
Malu Farell
Gerente de Marketing

Redactoras Digitales

Profesionalidad, claridad y resultados. Serían las primeras palabras con las que definir el trabajo de Alelí y Luis.
Dar con un servicio que, no solo te resuelva el problema, sino que te ofrezca una visión global para proponerte mejoras e ir explicando cada fase del proyecto no siempre es sencillo. Y sin duda, ellos lo hacen.
Una excelente experiencia que repetiremos en cuanto tengamos ocasión."

Violeta Marti CEO Redactoras Digitales
Violeta Martí

The Agency

"Estamos felices de haber encontrado una consultora que se ha comprometido con nuestros objetivos, como si fuesen propios.Se destacan por el tiempo dedicado al proyecto, proactividad e innovación por encontrar mejores soluciones a nuestras inquietudes. Además del profesionalismo, y la experiencia técnica con la que cuentan, su trabajo en equipo es destacable. Se han acoplado a nuestras necesidades y tiempos, buscando la mejor manera de ir cumpliendo con los hitos del proyecto. Definitivamente, queremos continuar trabajando con CasandraSoft

Solucion 360 para que vendas mas y mejor
Lucia Gomez
HR Manager

Tao México

"Me siento segura al recomendar los servicios de CasandraSoft, debido a su equipo minucioso y fácil de trabajar con ellos. El equipo siempre está dispuesto a discutir inquietudes y tienen muchos conocimientos y atención a los detalles. Han ayudado a mantener a la empresa encaminada en varios proyectos y convirtiéndose en los expertos de referencia para nuestros proyectos más importantes."

Paulina Almeida Directora Comercial Tao Mexico
Paulina Almeida
Director Comercial

Sir Capital

"Contacté para que me ayudaran a testar una app que habíamos desarrollado y quedé impresionado por la seriedad, profesionalidad, rigor y rapidez del servicio.
Además, me encantó la proactividad a la hora de proponer soluciones y mejoras, con un cauce de comunicación fluido y utilizando las últimas tecnologías para estar informados en todo momento de los avances.
El trato personal de todos los integrantes en el proyecto fue excepcional"

Solucion 360 para que vendas mas y mejor
Ruben Legazpi
Solucion 360 para que vendas mas y mejor

Get to know the 4 components of our 360° solution

"If you are looking for an effective solution to increase your sales and improve your position in the market, this service is for you!"

  • Define your Ideal Customer Profile
  • Definir tus Buyer Persona
  • Define your Buyer Personas
  • Creating or updating your marketing strategy
  • Define your pipeline and sales cycle
  • Design of your technological sales architecture
  • Consulting in agile development and product management
  • Roadmapping of both your product and your marketing and sales operations
  • Playbook creation
  • Sales and Marketing Alignment Workshop
  • MQL/SQL definition
  • Establishment of sales and marketing objectives
  • Lead and feedback transfer procedure
  • Hubspot
  • Intercom
  • Active Campaign
  • Salesforce
  • Kommo
  • Cientify
  • Gong
  • Zapier
  • Webflow
  • Wordpress
  • Metricool
  • Technological operations
  • Technology Administration
  • Design and architecture of solutions
  • Implementation of solutions in CRM
  • Data management in CRM
  • Marketing automation
  • Sales Automation
  • Customer Service Automation
  • Revenue Management Automation
  • Creation of reports and metrics
  • Software development
  • Included in your service
  • Planning and estimation
  • Discovery meetings
  • Roadmapping
  • Solution Design
  • Implementation
  • Integration
  • Deployment
  • Maintenance
  • Support
  • User training
  • Lead conversion
  • Creation of conversion paths
  • Hubspot Experts
  • Social Media Marketing Setup
  • Intercom Experts
  • Acquisition of prospects in social networks
  • A/B testing
  • Ad campaign management
  • Lead nurturing
  • Lead nurturing and automation
  • Email marketing
  • Automation
  • Creation of offers for MOFU/BOFU
  • Personalized content
  • Lead qualification
  • Sales and Marketing Alignment
  • Traffic generation
  • SEO blog posting
  • Hubspot Experts
  • Active Campaign Experts
  • Intercom Experts
  • Experts in Kommo CRM
  • Integrators Pipedrive, Zoho, Sugar, Clientify, and others
  • Web development experts (Wordpress and Webflow)
  • Software Engineering and Programming
  • Agile Project Development

Get to know the 4 components of our 360° Solution

"If you are looking for an effective solution to increase your sales and improve your position in the market, this service is for you!"

  • Define your Ideal Customer Profile
  • Define your Buyer Personas
  • Comprehensive analysis of your product to define your sales strategy
  • Creating or updating your marketing strategy
  • Define your pipeline and sales cycle
  • Design of your technological sales architecture
  • Consulting in agile development and product management
  • Roadmapping of both your product and your marketing and sales operations
  • Playbook creation
  • Sales and Marketing Alignment Workshop
  • MQL/SQL definition
  • Establishment of sales and marketing objectives
  • SLA development
  • Lead and feedback transfer procedure
  • Hubspot
  • Intercom
  • Active Campaign
  • Salesforce
  • Kommo
  • Cientify
  • Gong
  • Zapier
  • Webflow
  • Wordpress
  • Metricool
  • Skills
  • Salesforce Experts
  • Hubspot Experts
  • Active Campaign Experts
  • Intercom Experts
  • Experts in Kommo CRM
  • Integrators Pipedrive, Zoho, Sugar, Clientify, and others
  • Web development experts (Wordpress and Webflow)
  • Software Engineering and Programming
  • Agile Project Development
  • Included in your service
  • Planning and estimation
  • discovery meetings
  • Roadmapping
  • Solution Design
  • Implementation
  • Integration
  • Deployment
  • Maintenance
  • Support
  • User training
  • Traffic generation
  • blog posting
  • SEO
  • Social Media Post
  • Community management
  • Ad Development
  • Video
  • Creation of other types of content
  • Lead conversion
  • Creation of conversion paths
  • Social Media Marketing Setup
  • Acquisition of prospects in social networks
  • A/B testing
  • Ad campaign management
  • Lead nurturing
  • Lead nurturing and automation
  • Email marketing
  • Automation
  • Creation of offers for MOFU/BOFU
  • Personalized content
  • Lead qualification
  • Sales and Marketing Alignment
I want more information

Service Plans

Depending on the services you need and the technologies you implement, we put together a 360° Solution tailored to your business


  • 100 hours / month
  • Up to 2 Experts
Services that you can include:
  • Consultancy
Only one of the following services:
  • RevOps
  • Inbound (Except advertising campaigns)


  • 130 hours / month
  • Up to 3 experts
Services that you can include:
  • Consultancy
Only one of the following services:
  • RevOps
  • Inbound (Except advertising campaigns)


  • 160 hours / month
  • 1 Program Manager
  • Up to 3 experts
Services that you can include:
  • Consultancy
  • RevOps
  • RevOpsInbound (Except campaign campaigns)
  • Digital design and web development


  • From 200 hours / month
  • 1 Program Manager
  • 1 Multidisciplinary Team
Services that you can include:
  • Consultancy
  • RevOps
  • All Inbound services
  • Digital and web design
  • Ad hoc software solutions


  • 100 hours / month
  • Up to 2 Experts
Services that you can include:
  • Consultancy
Only one of the following services:
  • RevOps
  • Inbound (Except advertising campaigns)


  • 130 hours / month
  • Up to 3 experts
Services that you can include:
  • Consultancy
Only one of the following services:
  • RevOps
  • Inbound (Except advertising campaigns)


  • 160 hours / month
  • 1 Program Manager
  • 1 RevOps Architect
  • Up to 3 consultants or experts
Services you can include
  • Consultancy
  • RevOps
  • Inbound services except advertising campaigns
  • Digital design and web development


  • + 200 hours / month
  • 1 Program Manager
  • 1 Multidisciplinary Team
Services you can include
  • Consultancy
  • RevOps
  • All Inbound services
  • Digital design and web development
  • Development of ad-hoc software solutions


  • 100 hours / month
  • Up to 2 Experts
Services that you can include:
  • Consultancy
Only one of the following services:
  • RevOps
  • Inbound (except advertising campaigns)


  • 130 hours / month
  • Up to 3 Experts
Services you can include
  • Consultancy
Only one of the following services:
  • RevOps
  • Inbound (except advertising campaigns)


  • 160 hours / month
  • 1 Program Manager
  • Up to 3 experts
Services you can include
  • Consultancy
  • RevOps
  • Inbound (except advertising campaigns)
  • Digital design and web development


  • From 200 hours / month
  • 1 Program Manager
  • 1 Multidisciplinary Team
Services you can include
  • Consultancy
  • RevOps
  • All Inbound services
  • Digital design and web development
  • Ad hoc software solutions
Contact us | CasandraSoft