Thalia Hernandez.
May 28, 2024

Kommo: The CRM for Growing Sales Teams

Software Development
Illustration representing the Kommo CRM solution.
Thalia Hernandez.
May 28, 2024

Kommo: The CRM for Growing Sales Teams

Software Development

Kommo: CRM for Sales Teams

Imagine leading a growing sales team. Every day, your team interacts with hundreds of potential customers, making it increasingly complex to manage these interactions.
You need a solution that keeps pace with this growth and ensures no opportunity is lost. This is where Kommo comes in a CRM specifically designed for growing sales teams.
Let's get started!
CasandraSoft Tech Solutions

Kommo: CRM for Sales Teams

Imagine leading a growing sales team. Every day, your team interacts with hundreds of potential customers, making it increasingly complex to manage these interactions.
You need a solution that keeps pace with this growth and ensures no opportunity is lost. This is where Kommo comes in a CRM specifically designed for growing sales teams.
Let's get started!

In this article, we invite you to explore everything a CRM like Kommo can offer your sales team.

Why Kommo?

Kommo stands out for its ability to manage all customer conversations from one place, regardless of the communication channel. Its customizable pipelines provide real-time insights into the status of your customers' buying process, giving you an instant, comprehensive view. Additionally, Kommo offers task management features, templates, and bots to automate tasks and respond to frequently asked questions.

Discover the Role of Kommo in Business Communication.

When Should You Choose Kommo?

Choosing the right CRM depends on the specific needs of your sales team. If your team needs a tool that offers a complete real-time view of the customer buying process and allows you to manage all customer conversations from a single platform, then Kommo could be the ideal solution.

Tips from Our Team for Kommo CRM Onboarding

From our experience as partners of this solution in Mexico, many users are interested in implementing Kommo themselves. While it’s possible, we always suggest having an expert assist with the initial setup. An expert can help you configure the system optimally and make the most of all the features Kommo offers.

However, if you prefer to do the onboarding yourself, here are some tips:

  1. Familiarize Yourself with the Platform: Before you start using Kommo, take some time to explore the platform and understand its features. This will give you a better understanding of how it works and how you can use it to meet your needs.
  2. Set Up Your Sales Pipelines: Sales pipelines are one of Kommo's most powerful features. Ensure they are configured according to your sales processes so you can track the status of your customers' buying journey in real-time.
  3. Leverage Automation Features: Kommo offers templates and bots to automate tasks and respond to frequently asked questions. These features can save you a lot of time and allow you to focus on what really matters: selling.
  4. Train Your Team: Make sure your entire sales team is trained to use Kommo. This will ensure everyone is on the same page and allows your team to take full advantage of Kommo’s features.

Remember, implementing a CRM takes time and effort. But with the right tool and a good onboarding strategy, you can make this process much smoother and more effective.

Success Story

Success Story: How We Helped Único Club de Vinos with Kommo CRM

Implementing Kommo CRM Integrated with Chat GPT

Last month at CasandraSoft Tech Solutions, we had the opportunity to work on a Kommo implementation project for a new client. This wasn't just any client—it was a wine membership club, a completely new industry for us.

The challenge didn't stop there. In addition to implementing Kommo, we also had to integrate it with Chat GPT, an AI tool for chatbots. Although we had experience with this combination, each project presents its own challenges and learning opportunities.

The Process

The implementation process was divided into several stages:

  1. Kickoff: In this stage, we met with the client to understand their needs and define the project scope.
  2. Solution Design: Once we understood the client's requirements, Alejandro got to work designing the solution. This involved defining how the integration between Kommo and Chat GPT would function, and identifying the necessary fields and automations.
  3. Implementation and Integration: With the solution designed and approved by the client, Andy began developing it. During this stage, we delivered partial results for the client to review and approve as we progressed.
  4. Delivery and Stabilization: Finally, we conducted joint tests with the client to validate the solution's solidity. We also provided training and onboarding for the users and entered a warranty phase to address any issues that might arise.

The Result

In the end, we achieved our main goal: providing a smoother and more efficient customer service experience. Thanks to the integration of Kommo and Chat GPT, the chatbots can not only respond accurately but also maintain natural and meaningful conversations.


In summary, Kommo offers a robust and effective CRM solution that can meet the needs of growing sales teams. By providing a comprehensive view of the customer buying process and enabling management of all conversations from one place, Kommo can be the tool your team needs to achieve its sales goals.

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